
Pick the right plan for you

Manage the listing yourself or let a dedicated agent manage it for you

Choices for your needs and budget

Without agent


Manage your own listing with guidance from Reeve, your AI-powered real estate assistant


One-time fee
Get Standard


Let your dedicated agent manage your listing from start until closed


Upfront + $2,300 at closing
Get Premium
MLS Listing package

What's in your MLS Listing Package


Listed on your local MLS

Your property is listed within minutes. Just review your property info, add the pictures, and you’ll be on your way. Changes are free, unlimited, and done fast too.


Advertised on 100s of websites, Zillow, Trulia, Redfin,, and 750+ more. You name it, your property will be there. Including all real estate broker websites!


Unlimited Photos, Maximum Allowance

You may upload as many photos of your property as your specific MLS supports (typically 50 to 100+ photos, depending on the MLS).


Buyer leads come directly to you

Reeve intelligently responds to calls, text messages, and email inquiries about your property. Calls are instantly connected to you, text and email messages are instantly auto-replied.


Easily manage viewing appointments

Buyers and agents conveniently schedule showings through the Reeve platform. Showing Time is included too, allowing agents to easily schedule showings through your preferred method (call, text, or email). All free for you!


Cancel any time, no penalties

Our listings are for 12 months, but you may cancel at any time, no penalties or cancellation fees. No hidden fees whatsoever!
Need more time to sell? Free courtesy extension included.

Why Premium is the Right Choice

Pre-Listing Preparation

An expert dedicated agent will provide a price-boosting Comparative Market Analysis and arrange a free professional photoshoot for you.

Offers & Negotiations

Your Reeve agent will expertly handle offers and negotiate for you, ensuring the best sale price and terms. No buyer's agent means no commission.

Contract to closing

Reeve and your dedicated agent oversee your listing, guiding you through inspections, repairs, appraisals, and more, from contract to closing.

frequently asked questions

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