Why reeve

The difference?

Highly customized. Safe. No variables

We mind your own business

Traditional and flat fee real estate transactions are intricate, stressful, riddled with hidden fees and costly. Reeve and a transaction expert carefully selected from your local area discretely manage the entire process and make sure you are in total control.

An experience bar anything you`ve seen before. Imagine having not just one in-house butler, but two. That`s how we do Real Estate.

Smiling real estate broker

Listed in Less Than 5 Minutes. No Delays. No Excuses.

We are fast. The fastest in the industry.

Time is our most valuable asset. We care not to waste it. Reeve`s proprietary AI creates and deploys a professional listing while you sip a cup of Joe. If this were a race, we would be the only contenders. 100% money back if any agent or flat fee service can come even close.

Yes, we are THAT confident.

Full Transparency.
Personalized Service. 24/7.

Transparent. Always on duty.

Our highly customized, one-to-one approach is reflected in Reeve`s unparalleled concierge experience. It all starts with a pledge for full transparency: no small print, no hidden fees. Our cutting-edge technology runs 24/7 behind the scenes. All inquiries and buyer leads are routed directly to you - email, text, calls - around the clock, every day. No latency. No lost opportunities. We make it feel like you`re our only client.

Curious to give us a try?
Broker is closing a contract

List Fast. Close Faster. Save The Most.

Highly efficient. Proven. Trusted.

Our results surpass the performance of any top real estate experts in your local area, in any key category. Listing to closing, Reeve keeps tabs on more variables than any human can possibly handle. You will save: at least 3% of the sale price, 90% of your time, 99% of the hassle and 100% of your equity. Guaranteed.

Clicks away.
How it works

Two Clicks Are One Too Many.

  • The “2-click” process

    Your task consists of two clicks. 1st: “Sign Up” > Enter your property address > 2nd: “Publish”. That`s it, in a nutshell. Within hours, your listing acquires celebrity status.

  • We've got you covered

    All processes run smoothly in the background. Marketing, valuation, showings, offer negotiations, scheduling inspections or potential repairs, preparing documents. You name it. We got it covered.

See all features
Smiling broker
The future of Real Estate. Today.